Attempts at amateur gunsmithing, citizenship, and other skilled trades

Month: July 2022

A century well spent

He was a young farm hand born in Blanco, Texas, in 1922. His family had only been in the U.S. a couple of generations–German was his first language and his English would always carry that accent.

He’d never really been out of the Texas Hill Country until the Army drafted him in the fall of 1942, assigned him to the Ordnance Corps and put him on a troopship bound for China.

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Boat trailer trials

I recently bought a 12′ boat and trailer.

The boat’s a 1976 model: I plan to refurbish it when the weather cools down a little. The trailer, however, is from 2002 and appeared to be in good shape when I brought it home.

“Let’s see…turn the wheel LEFT to make the trailer go RIGHT…”

However, since my total experience with trailers up to that point had been living in a single-wide with my parents and brothers as a kid, my opinion of its condition really wasn’t worth much.

In the days and weeks to follow, I would learn more…much more…

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